When she'd met Gray, the attraction had been more of a slow burn as he flirted with her in the restaurant each day. But this? Never before had desire slammed her so forcefully, so fast. And for a dangerous man, too, if Joaquin's faithful shadow [bodyguard] was any indication.
"Yes, because I love and trust you. This is totally different."
"Don't you enjoy giving me pleasure, Gracie?" he asked quietly.
"Of course I do!"
"Then show me."
As always, should you wish to quit the trial at any point you only need to say the word and you'll be released from this room. Naturally you would then have to leave the Dining Club immediately. No one can attempt the trial twice, meaning this is your only opportunity to learn if you can take pleasure from something that your respective partners enjoy.
Yes. I don't understand how, if you truly feel anything for me, you can take pleasure in seeing me hurt. It doesn't make any sense. That's not what a loving relationship is meant to be about."
"I don't want to see you hurt," he said softly, one hand stroking her long, dark hair. "I want you to learn that immense pleasure can come through just a little pain."
"I don't believe that's true. It's cruel and you're being unkind," she retorted, on the edge of tears.
He bent lower, until his mouth was against her ear. "It is true, my darling. If you really loved me, then you'd trust me."
If she wanted to keep David, and after their conversation earlier she knew without a doubt that she did, then she had to go through with this.
"Choose from the first two."
Grace began to tremble. "I don't want either," she whispered. "I don't know what they mean. I don't think I can do this."
"Then you simply refuse the dessert, my darling, but of course you know what that will mean for us."
...I wanted to reach out and hold her in my arms.
I could lose myself in those eyes.
I could lose myself in her.
It felt like I'd known her all my life. That I'd been waiting all these years to be united with the girl I was meant to be with since I was born.
"I don't get it. One second you're giving me a look like you'll eat me up and the next you're cold as ice. What is it with you?"
I stepped forward, my thoughts on getting back to my table, when the heel of my stiletto caught. To keep from falling, I had to leave the shoe behind.
"Whoa," I muttered as I recovered from my almost-fall.
I turned around in search of my shoe and saw a guy bend down to retrieve it."
"I think you lost this..."
"Obviously you're beautiful. But there's something different about you that makes me not want to give up."
"You don't even know me," I said.
"And whose fault is that?"
Two creases formed between Jake's eyebrows. "Cinderella's?"
"Yeah, Cinderella screwed me over."
Jake slowed his pace and studied me for a moment. "I guess I just haven't found the right person yet. I t doesn't mean I don't believe she's out there."
"You don't have to pretend you believe in"--I threw up my hands and made air quotes--"'the one'" and falling madly in love to impress me. I wasted too much time believing in all that, so now I'm realistic. the odds of you and me working aren't great."
"But what if we do work out? What if we end up being perfect for each other?"
"Maybe if you'd have looked for a reason to be with me instead of dump me, you would've found one."
"I'm so crazy about you that if you asked me to give up watching sports for the rest of my life, I would."
"Couch or bed?"
...he was the most attractive, charismatic and charming man she'd ever been in a relationship with. He was also an incredible lover, easily the most thoughtful and attentive one she'd ever had. Her pleasure always came first, and unlike other men who'd been in her life and bed, he never left her unfulfilled while he satisfied himself.
"I'm so pleased you decided to come. I wonder, would you do anything for me, Gracie? Anything I asked?
"This club isn't really a dining club. It's a club for people with specialized sexual needs and desires. They come here so that they can enjoy themselves safe in the knowledge that they're surrounded by like-minded people."
"Tonight you and I will sit at table one. If the evening goes well, and you want to come back next month, we'll sit at table two."
"Everyone gets pleasure from the dining trials. Sometimes people fail, or choose to stop something one evening, and then of course they're free to go. They can't come back to the Dining Club, there is only ever one chance to succeed at all the levels, but I promise you that women can get more pleasure here than they have ever imagined in their wildest dreams."
"You'll find out when we get there, but it's not a long way to travel. Better take a couple of evening dresses though, they've got a very strict dress code for the dining room."
Grace looked at him in genuine horror. "Evening dresses? I don't possess an evening dress of any kind! I've got some very smart trousers and tops, but..."
"Sorry, but it's evening dresses for the women, suits and ties for the men."
"Well," muttered Grace as she left the apartment and followed her lover to his car, "I hope it's worth all this fuss and money."
"It will definitely be worth it," David assured her, closing the passenger door behind her and walking round to the driver's seat. "If you like it as much as I hope you will, we'll go there again, so the money you spend on dresses won't be wasted."
"What are you doing?"
Possibly drooling on you..."If you don't know," she said, "then I'm way more out of practice than I thought."
"You win," she said.
"Yes." He pointed to the bed. "There," he said. "You'll be my prize."
He moved closer and ran a finger down her arm. “I think I like you in leather.”
She tried to cover up her shiver and went for bold. “Look at me. How could you not like me in leather?” ...
“I’d like you much better out of it.”
“I could blow your mind,” she whispered, stunning him all over again. Between her fruity scent, full red lips, and bewitching blue eyes, she effortlessly drew him into the dark magic of her spell. She turned away, tossing the last words over her shoulder. “I could even make you beg.”
“Bite me.” She struggled to stand up.
“Don’t you worry. We’ll get to that, but, in the meantime…”
He leaned over her to keep her in position and sent his fingers on a slow, unerring journey down her thong and into the juncture between her thighs, where she was warm, and soft, and very wet.
“Oh yeah, I win the bet.”
She called him another rude name, but stopped struggling. A few more gentle passes over the slick silk had her widening her stance and arching her back to give him better access.
The urge to tear her panties off and bury himself inside her rushed through him. Somehow he resisted. “If I let go of you, will you stay put?”
A muffled, affirmative sound served as her reply. She’d turned her head back to the chair and he couldn’t see her face. He decided it wouldn’t do. “Say, ‘Yes, sir. I’ll stay put.’”
Her head popped up at that, and he caught the flash of hot blue eyes in the mirror. “You arrogant son of a—”
“Now, now. You’ll hurt my feelings.” He stopped stroking between her legs, and then removed his hand completely when
she tried to grind against the base of his unmoving thumb.
Her frustrated groan had him choking back a laugh. “Yes, sir. I’ll stay put,” he prompted.
Stubborn Stacy held out another moment, but then finally surrendered. “Yes, sir. I’ll stay put,” she gritted between clenched teeth.
“Good girl.” He let go of her wrists and waited to see if she’d keep her word. She lowered her arms and held on to the seat of the chair. “Good girl,” he repeated. “Since tonight is Halloween, good girls get a treat.”
“Would you like to hear what happens next?”
She inhaled in a rush. “Yes, please. The devil is in the details.”
“I guess that makes me the devil.” One big, callused hand dropped to the outside of her thigh, coasting up her flesh just close enough to raise goose bumps on every inch of her body. Slipping underneath her skirt without hesitation. When he reached her backside, Ginger wanted to beg shamelessly for him to palm her roughly, knead her there. Instead, he merely brushed his fingers down the center of her bottom, along the cherry-red material of her thong. The simple touch had a devastating effect, every nerve ending singing with terrible, glorious need.
“I’m going to take some much-needed time with your mouth right now. While I do, you’re going to continue stroking me until I’m so close to coming, I’ll be ready to die just to drill you against this wall. But I won’t. I’m going to stop you just before I bust. Then I’m going to lick the sweet pussy that’s been waiting so patiently for me.” He surged into her hand. “Come on, baby. Make me suffer.”
Ethan shrugs. "Offer still stands."
I close my eyes and shake my head slightly. "I'm not even sure I know what the offer is."
He takes a half-step closer to me. "One month. You lose the earrings, lose the boots, lose the attitude, and do your best to convince my parents that we're crazy-in-love, or something."
He puts a finger over my lips and our eyes lock. "And in return, you can spend the rest of the summer staying in my second bedroom."
The plan was supposed to be simple, and instead it felt more complicated than any real relationship I'd ever been in.
It was as though...
A light bulb went on. That was it.
"These characters have to fall in love."
I'd gone and forgotten that it was a game.
A mistake I had no intention of repeating.
"You know, sometimes if I don't have enough light to study by, I just smile and use the relection from these pearly whites.
I feel his fingers wrap around my arm seconds before I'm spun around and pushed up against the whiteboard, my backpack falling to the ground as he pins my hands above my head.
"You bid an obscene amount of money just to go out with me," Cane interrupted, his deep voice laced with humor. Her eyes shot to his and he winked. "You know, darlin', all you had to do was say the word. You could've had me for free anytime."
His goal had shifted. No longer was this only about getting her out of his system, though that did have to happen, the sooner the better. But now, he didn't just want her comfortable enough to explore their explosive attraction. Cane realized he wanted to let Angelle in.
"Tell Angelle my signature colors are green and blue," Emma declared, snapping Cane's attention back to the present. He lifted his head to see her listing the rainbow on her fingers. "But I guess I can work with yellow or purple, too. Oh, it could be like an LSU wedding!" She jusped up and clapped her hands happily, then grew serious just as quickly. "But no taffeta bows on the butt, please. That mess doesn't work on anyone."
She rolled her eyes and then with a mischievous giggle, spun on her heel and skipped away.
Cane blinked. "Taffeta?" What in the hell was that, some kind of snack?
"Just so we're clear"--he placed his hands on hers--"you can proposition me any time, angel."
"You know I was just busting your chops. But damn, this girl's done a number on you, hasn't she?"
Cane huffed a breath. "Yeah, I guess she has."
"Do you have any idea how long I've waited for a woman to knock you on your ass?" When Cane didn't answer, Jason did it for him. "Years. More than a decade. But the day Angelle walked into that diner, I knew it was just a matter of time."
Quinn stands, straightening her dress, and suddenly my body lets loose the tumor of tension it's been holding all day. Her presence does that, quiets the hurricane inside me with a wash of tranquility.
"You're missing out on a great opportunity. And for what? me? I don't think so. I refuse to be the reason."
Maybe she's thinking about last night, too. Those nails scraping over my skin, her lips exploring every inch of my chest, the sound of my name as she begged me not to stop.
"You said yourself couples do this all the time. That we're stronger than them..."
"But do you believe that?"
Eyes fixed firmly to hers, I answer as truthfully as I can. "With every cell in my body."
Everything about Riley annoyed me, from his sarcasm to his inability to ever be serious, to the fact that he was hot as hell and so clearly knew it. I didn't see him very often since he worked full-time in construction, which was perfectly fine with me. It was easier to breathe without his testosterone choking the room.
"So what do you think? The princess and the prick...it could work. Or at least we could give it a shot."
"I guess we're both fucked, huh?"
"Looks that way."
"Then I guess it's a damn good thing we found each other." It was.
"I want to explore you and your body, not use it."
"Oh." I wasn't sure what to say to that, it was so totally foreign to me. "But I want to have sex with you. Don't make me feel bad for that."
"I'm not trying to. I think it's awesome that you want to get naked with me." He raised his eyebrows up and down. "Trust me, I'm looking forward to it. But it's like cramming a whole ice-cream cone in my mouth and swallowing it whole. What good is that? It's over and done in a second. I want to really taste it, to lick it slowly. I want to savor the ice cream, you know what I'm saying?"
"In return for not smoking in the house, I'm asking you to keep your girl shit out of the bathroom."
Girl shit? "If I can't keep my shit in the bathroom, where else would it go?" I asked, amused.
"You know what I mean. I don't want to go brush my teeth and there isn't an inch of counter space to use because you have creams and equipment or whatever."
"Equipment?" I snorted. "I don't use power tools to get ready in the morning. But fine, I will put my blow-dryer away after each use. And I promise to never ask you to pick up a box of tampons for me on the way home from work.
The horror on his face made me laugh. "Don't tell me you have never bought tampons before?"
He shook his head. "I'm a dude. Why would I buy tampons?"
"For a girlfriend." It seemed obvious to me.
..."No. I probably would if she was, like, bleeding on my car seats, but otherwise, no."
"I need to have sex--or look like I've had it--and you have to help me do it."
"You're a sweet, innocent girl. those types of men will just try to take advantage of that. You need to cancel or whatever the hell you do to stop it."
Startled, Ella put her hand on his chest and looked up into his handsome face. "No, Declan, I can't. I'll be careful, but I have to keep dating."
"I said stop," Declan snapped. "If you're that desperate for a date, just let nature take its course.
You don't need a dating agency. I mean it, Ella, cancel--or whatever you need to do--now."
Ella shook her head, looking down at her hand on his chest. "I can't stop."
Visibly frustrated, Declan shook her lightly and asked, "Why? I don't get this."
Still unable to avoid answering a direct question, Ella admitted, "I can't stop because if I do, I will never have you."
If by some miracle she was able to start a relationship with Declan, would it be enough? Would she be satisfied by the type of flame that had burned through them for those brief moments or would she eventually want more from him and their future?
He was actually making jokes. He seemed almost happy. Could he need her as much as she needed him? What he was offering her went against everything she had been raised to believe. He was as good as promising her that there would be no future for them. Had she waited for Mr. Right for this long only to settle for Mr. Right-now? If the only feelings between them were physical, why was she so drawn to him? Was she strong enough to battle his demons and save the man underneath it all?
"Baby, I know you think you do, but it's just a big case of lust. If any man kissed you the way I just did, you would want him too. It's basic hormones and you don't have much experience controlling them yet."
"I just wish that Declan would ask me out already. I don't really want to date anyone else. I want to be with him."
"It was uncomfortable at first, but then it was awesome! Since I'm a real woman now and all that, I think we should order a pizza to celebrate..."
"If I hadn't been your assistant, we might have never met."
Jason stroked the curve of his wife's beautiful face and said, "I'd have found you, never doubt that.
It would just have taken longer."
With his short dark hair, olive skin, and perfectly arched dark eyebrows, the man was fine with a capital F, but his bad attitude was oozing through his tight t-shirt.
He told himself it was for the best. He couldn't afford the distraction, but he felt guilty as hell for how things were playing out. She was a good woman and deserved so much better...
Okay, he'd been the lead in all of [her fantasies], with his square jaw, dazzling blue-gray eyes, and dark, neat hair that she really wanted to mess with her fingers. Not to mention he had a rock hard body that put all other bodies to shame. But she had no plans to act on the urges he stirred. For one, he held the title of first-rate flirt and town Casanova, and every single girl in a twenty-mile radius had set her sights on him.
"This doesn't mean we need to be together twenty-four-seven or anything. I've got work, you've got work. But since Brett has no plans to leave we do have to make it look real, which means lying to everyone--your mom and dad, your sister. Friends. I'm sorry I've put you in that position."
He tucked a piece of hair that had escaped her updo behind her ear. "Quit apologizing, okay? I'm happy to help you out."
"You're positive?" Under the street lights it wasn't easy to read his expression, but she was pretty sure she saw reluctance mixed in with his acquiescence.
"Truthfully, being anyone's boyfriend is not on my radar, but I can fake it will Brett's here. You're going to owe me big time when we're through, though."
She bit her bottom lip and then leaned in a little closer, played with the hair at the nape of his neck. "You and me." She stared into his eyes. He stared back. "How I'd like to--"
He cut her off by smashing his mouth against hers. Fierce. Passionate. Kissing her with the kind of wild abandon that led to tearing clothes off each other.