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Risky: Torn Between Two Lovers (InterMix)

Risky - Jo Davis 3-1/2 stars.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

Risky picks up pretty much right where Raw ends, with Anna meeting Joaquin on the beach at the resort in Aruba that she fled to after being betrayed by Gray. Despite his dangerous exterior and her heart being broken so recently, Joaquin intrigues Anna and she agrees to go to dinner with him.
When she'd met Gray, the attraction had been more of a slow burn as he flirted with her in the restaurant each day. But this? Never before had desire slammed her so forcefully, so fast. And for a dangerous man, too, if Joaquin's faithful shadow [bodyguard] was any indication.

He immediately sweeps her off her feet and lays it all out for her--he wants to get to know her better and comes clean about his original intentions to get close to her to spite Gray. She falls for him and accompanies him back to his estate when his trip is cut short due to a business emergency. I'm not going to tell you what happens, but it certainly ends with some drama, and I definitely want to see what happens whenRewarded, the conclusion to the series, hits e-readers in February.

Suprisingly, I liked Risky a little more than I liked Raw. I didn't expect to find myself liking Joaquin at all. I do like him, and though I understand Anna's reluctance to trust Gray ever again, I don't understand how she can allow herself to fall for someone in the mafia. Sure, he says he's going straight, but so what? His original intention was to get to know her to get back at his nemesis, so he and Gray aren't that different in the telling lies department. Joaquin just laid it out earlier than Gray did.

With that being said, I'm not saying that I'm #TeamGray. I thought that I would be, but now I don't know. What I do know is that I don't like Anna. I don't believe that she could be so heartbroken over Gray and literally sleeping with someone else two days later. I think Davis did a much better job of developing the story with this novella than she did with Risky, and I think that judging by the chemistry and insta-lust that developed between Anna and Joaquin, it's clear that she's #TeamJoaquin.

What do I think will happen? Well, it's all up to the voters but if you want to know what I think, you can highlight the spoiler:
She had unprotected sex with both of them, and I wonder if there will be a pregnancy involved. I think she'll end up with Gray because Joaquin gets killed but that the baby will be Joaquin's. That could be too soap-opery. LOL

Regardless of who Anna ultimately ends up with, the choose your own adventure-eqsue idea for this story is amazing, and I can't wait to see how it pans out. Grab your copies of Raw and Risky and then go vote on Facebook, now through December 10!

Seduce: The Dining Club: Part Four

Seduce - Marina Anderson 1-1/2 stars.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

The fourth novella in the Dining Club series has David questioning if what happens if Grace successfully completes all the trials--will he be able to give her his heart and allow himself to become with her heart? For the record, he's still a douchebag.

I like that Grace stands up for herself a little more this time and explains to him:
"Yes, because I love and trust you. This is totally different."

After the trial, which of course I hated, Grace finds that David went to a charity function with a beautiful woman, which I don't even know what to say about that besides I wish Grace would dump him and go for someone who can really appreciate her.

Like maybe Andrew, who seems to have taken an interest in Grace as well. But we find out in this installment that he's a manipulative bastard, too, so I don't know.

This novella seemed to have more substance to it than the previous three, but still not enough. And there was one tiny hot part:
"Don't you enjoy giving me pleasure, Gracie?" he asked quietly.

"Of course I do!"

"Then show me."

Crave: The Dining Club: Part Three

Crave - Marina Anderson 2 stars.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

Crave, the third installment in the Dining Club series picks up right where Bound ended. This one has Grace's friend, Fran, warning her that even though David is a rich financier, he's got a reputation for being a ladies' man and never having any intention of settling down. I thought Fran was a total bitch to Grace, and I was surprised that she was giving her all these warnings six months after Grace started dating David. Fran asked Grace repeatedly if David was good in bed, and that was kind of weird to me.

We also see Amber, the girl that runs the Dining Club, explaining to Andrew that she's going to do her best to be sure that Grace fails so that David doesn't fall in love with Grace. David goes to the Dining Club to be sure everything is set up for Grace's weekend and is tempted by Amber, but decides to go home instead of having sex with her, which I liked. The fact that he kisses Amber before he leaves just proves how manipulative he truly is, though.

When it's finally time for Grace's next trial, she expresses fear to which Amber lets her know:
As always, should you wish to quit the trial at any point you only need to say the word and you'll be released from this room. Naturally you would then have to leave the Dining Club immediately. No one can attempt the trial twice, meaning this is your only opportunity to learn if you can take pleasure from something that your respective partners enjoy.

Which. I'm not even going to say it again.

I liked Grace the best in this novella so far. She actually asks what we've been wondering all along:
Yes. I don't understand how, if you truly feel anything for me, you can take pleasure in seeing me hurt. It doesn't make any sense. That's not what a loving relationship is meant to be about."

"I don't want to see you hurt," he said softly, one hand stroking her long, dark hair. "I want you to learn that immense pleasure can come through just a little pain."

"I don't believe that's true. It's cruel and you're being unkind," she retorted, on the edge of tears.

He bent lower, until his mouth was against her ear. "It is true, my darling. If you really loved me, then you'd trust me."

This one ended pretty abruptly, moreso than the other novellas, and didn't seem to end in a place that made sense. Pretty much like the rest of this series doesn't make much sense.

Bound: The Dining Club: Part Two

Bound - Marina Anderson 1 star.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

Bound picks up pretty much right where Desire ends, and it's slightly more annoying.

Still an overbearing douchebag boyfriend! Still a girl who is willing to do something that makes her uncomfortable to win said douchebag boyfriend's love! Still a lot of gross words! Still an overuse of exclamation marks!

We find out that David has only ever brought two other women to the Dining Club, and Grace finds out (and passes) her first challenge. She also seems to take an interest in the manager of the club, Andrew, which was weird, but whatever.

I'm not going to mention all of the things I don't like because this novella is only 35 pages, and I pretty much didn't like any of them. I'll just leave you with this:
If she wanted to keep David, and after their conversation earlier she knew without a doubt that she did, then she had to go through with this.

and this:
"Choose from the first two."

Grace began to tremble. "I don't want either," she whispered. "I don't know what they mean. I don't think I can do this."

"Then you simply refuse the dessert, my darling, but of course you know what that will mean for us."

I'm going to keep reading, but I'm even less hopeful for a turnaround than I was before.

Hopeless For You

Hopeless For You - Hayden Hill 1-1/2 stars.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

I love New Adult, and watching characters make decisions that guide them from childhood to adults is one of my favorite parts about the genre. Hopeless for You had the potential to display that transition for both of the main characters. Unfortunately, it fell flat and left us with a watered down storyline and characters whose actions made little sense.

A week after proposing, college sophomore Ash Jensen's high-school sweetheart was killed in an accident, leaving her devastated and unable to even think of being with anyone else. Despite her parents' insistence that she be pre-med, she really wants to be a veterinarian and drags her friend to British Columbia, Canada to intern and study falcons. While there, she meets bad-boy loner conservationist Kade Gyllenhahl, who seems to be the total opposite of who Ash would ever go for.

Sparks immediately fly and there's definitely flirting going on, but a strict no-fraternization policy, along with both of them being afraid to take a chance, keep things at bay--until Ash and Kade end up alone for days after trekking through the forest to tend to some falcon habitats. Things happen.
...I wanted to reach out and hold her in my arms.

I could lose myself in those eyes.

I could lose myself in her.

It felt like I'd known her all my life. That I'd been waiting all these years to be united with the girl I was meant to be with since I was born.

When they get back to civilization, there's more hot and cold and then...the story ends. Pretty abruptly and with no clear idea of what's really going to happen or any of the loose ends tied up.

I liked parts of this book. The scenery was beautiful and Hill's descriptions made me feel like I was right there with them. The parts that I didn't like, however, far outweighed what I did like. Both Ash and Kade flip-flopped on the way they were feeling so fast and frequently, I thought I'd get whiplash. One moment they love each other, the next moment they have to stay away, one moment they're no good for each other, the next moment they want to get married. It was so much, even they noticed it.
"I don't get it. One second you're giving me a look like you'll eat me up and the next you're cold as ice. What is it with you?"

There are some words that I could have done without reading, like areola, vajayjay, moist slit, and labia. I hated her friend, Gina, and thought that her reactions were unrealistic, too. There were just so many things that didn't add up. This is without a doubt that would have benefited from having a professional editor. This book mentions having one, Bev Rosenbaum, and I hope for the sake of any writers that hire her that her advice was not followed, rather than non-existent. Authors, please get an editor who will actually edit your work!

The part that I hated the worst was by far the lemon. I don't want to spoil all the things, but Kade's knee was dislocated. Now, I've dislocated my knee twice and all I have to say is Kade is a better man than I am. LOL Add to that the fact that even though condoms were mentioned, they were only addressed as protection from pregnancy. Ash was concerned about Kade being a man-whore the entire book, and suddenly, they're not worried about that. There were some medical things that didn't make sense to me, like the fact that Ash knew how to make and effectively use a splint but didn't know that you're not supposed to let someone with a concussion go to sleep.

Like I said, the idea for this story was good, and there was definitely emotion with these characters. The errors and lack of clear direction just messed it up for me. To be fair, I think have an advance copy, so some of them may have been fixed, but it would have to be a lot of editing for me to recommend this book to you.

Cinderella Screwed Me Over (Entangled Select)

Cinderella Screwed Me Over - Cindi Madsen 5 stars.

This review can also be found on Steamy Guys After Dark.

I. Loved. This. Book.

I had almost forgotten how much I love Cindi Madsen's style--great descriptions and dialogue with realistic storylines and couples that you actually want to succeed. She outdid herself this time, giving us a strong, swoon-worthy guy and a smart, snarky girl that I felt like I could actually be friends with, all wrapped up with some of my favorite Disney Princesses. ♥

After having a series of failed relationships, Interior designer Darby Quinn decides that Prince Charming isn't out there for her (or anyone) and is through with love when she captures the attention of gorgeous restauranteur Jake Knight. Their very first encounter is the stuff made of fairy tales:
I stepped forward, my thoughts on getting back to my table, when the heel of my stiletto caught. To keep from falling, I had to leave the shoe behind.

"Whoa," I muttered as I recovered from my almost-fall.

I turned around in search of my shoe and saw a guy bend down to retrieve it."

"I think you lost this..."

Sparks immediately fly between them, but Darby's got rules--lots of them, and she isn't looking for love. Lucky for Darby that fate has a way of working itself out. Darby and Jake run into each other everywhere. He owns her favorite restaurant and lives in her building. She keeps trying to resist her attraction to him, but he's persistent.
"Obviously you're beautiful. But there's something different about you that makes me not want to give up."

"You don't even know me," I said.

"And whose fault is that?"


Two creases formed between Jake's eyebrows. "Cinderella's?"

"Yeah, Cinderella screwed me over."

Darby's had her heart broken a few times and relates each one of her break-ups to Disney's leading guys--from Prince Charming to Aladdin to Flynn Rider. She's made case studies about her past relationships to learn some valuable life-lessons (which I loved) and avoid getting sucked back into bad situations. Darby's determined to not allow Jake to get close enough to eventually become another ex, but he's pretty irresistible.
Jake slowed his pace and studied me for a moment. "I guess I just haven't found the right person yet. I t doesn't mean I don't believe she's out there."

"You don't have to pretend you believe in"--I threw up my hands and made air quotes--"'the one'" and falling madly in love to impress me. I wasted too much time believing in all that, so now I'm realistic. the odds of you and me working aren't great."

"But what if we do work out? What if we end up being perfect for each other?"

Can I just say that I loved this guy? He's definitely one of my favorites and I will be adding him to my top-ten list. I love that he's sweet and holds her hand and is affectionate. But I mostly love that he calls her out for her crap, both when she doesn't want to take a chance on being with him and when she tries to turn the tables and compartmentalize his actions. I love that he's also no doormat.
"Maybe if you'd have looked for a reason to be with me instead of dump me, you would've found one."

He's sweet and sexy and protective and I just love him, especially when he says stuff like this:
"I'm so crazy about you that if you asked me to give up watching sports for the rest of my life, I would."

and this:
"Couch or bed?"

I really loved Darby, too. She's smart and isn't afraid to admit when she's feeling vulnerable. I really appreciated that she started to discover that her own rules were dumb and that she didn't actually have everything figured out.

Her friends and family were pretty great, too, especially her brothers. I love that they called her out for being stupid and not giving love a chance. I loved the descriptions Madsen used--she's truly talented, taking us effortlessly from a bustling city to small-town country life. I totally felt like I was there and could really feel familiarity with even the most minor characters.

So, I guess you can tell that I loved everything, right? I did. There were a few things that I didn't like, like her reaction to something in Jake's past. I did love Jake's reaction to that, though, so I guess I did love it after all lol. I also didn't like Darby's reaction to the reemergence of one of her exes, and I would have liked more at the end of the story. Of course, this book has a FTB and I really, really wanted it not to.

Even the dedication is perfect: I hope you learn that you don't need a prince charming to make all your dreams come true, but that you find one anyway. I'm making this as a painting and putting it up in my daughters room. And bonus points to Madsen for her use of "twitterpated". I love her even more, now.

Great storyline, amazing characters, and the perfect amount of romance, all tied up in a princess-worthy sparkly bow. Total win.

Desire: The Dining Club: Part One

Desire - Marina Anderson 1-1/2 stars.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

I'm not sure what to say about this story. I'll start with what I like--the cover is absolutely beautiful. I love it and definitely want to know what's behind that door.

I'm not sure if I'm glad I did find out.

Grace, a young, up-and-coming theater director, has been dating David for six months. Even though she's not totally sure if it's love (or even if they're exclusive), she definitely smitten:
...he was the most attractive, charismatic and charming man she'd ever been in a relationship with. He was also an incredible lover, easily the most thoughtful and attentive one she'd ever had. Her pleasure always came first, and unlike other men who'd been in her life and bed, he never left her unfulfilled while he satisfied himself.

After a tryst in which David is a little more rough than usual, he tells her he'd like to take her away for the weekend to a club that is managed by his friend, Andrew. Once they get to the beautiful location, David asks her:
"I'm so pleased you decided to come. I wonder, would you do anything for me, Gracie? Anything I asked?

After they've been there a little while, David explains what the true purpose of the weekend is.
"This club isn't really a dining club. It's a club for people with specialized sexual needs and desires. They come here so that they can enjoy themselves safe in the knowledge that they're surrounded by like-minded people."


"Tonight you and I will sit at table one. If the evening goes well, and you want to come back next month, we'll sit at table two."


"Everyone gets pleasure from the dining trials. Sometimes people fail, or choose to stop something one evening, and then of course they're free to go. They can't come back to the Dining Club, there is only ever one chance to succeed at all the levels, but I promise you that women can get more pleasure here than they have ever imagined in their wildest dreams."

So. The idea for this story is very intriguing, yes? I definitely think so. It's the characters that I don't like.

David is manipulative and rude. He tells Grace that if she isn't successful here at the Dining Club that there is no future for them, but he doesn't promise that there's a future for them if she does. He doesn't tell her that he loves her, just that he could if she enjoys herself here.

From the moment David mentions taking her away for the weekend, Grace becomes a seriously annoying petulant child. Her whining about the requirements and what type of club it is take up half of this novella. Honestly, if I were David, I would have told her nevermind.
"You'll find out when we get there, but it's not a long way to travel. Better take a couple of evening dresses though, they've got a very strict dress code for the dining room."

Grace looked at him in genuine horror. "Evening dresses? I don't possess an evening dress of any kind! I've got some very smart trousers and tops, but..."

"Sorry, but it's evening dresses for the women, suits and ties for the men."

"Well," muttered Grace as she left the apartment and followed her lover to his car, "I hope it's worth all this fuss and money."

"It will definitely be worth it," David assured her, closing the passenger door behind her and walking round to the driver's seat. "If you like it as much as I hope you will, we'll go there again, so the money you spend on dresses won't be wasted."

Add the overuse of exclamation marks(!) and some gross words, like channel, and I'm not sure why I'm going to keep reading.

Desire is a very short novella--only 34 pages. I'm curious enough about the upcoming trials to keep going, but I'm not expecting anything amazing. I'll let ya'll know.

Rumor Has It (Animal Magnetism)

Rumor Has It  - Jill Shalvis 3 stars.

This review can also be found on Steamy Guys After Dark, along with an interview with author Jill Shalvis.

I love Jill Shalvis and the way she writes. This is my first book from the Animal Magnetism series, but I know I need to read them all.

Elementary Science teacher Kate Evans takes care of everyone around her. She's always had a crush on her brother's best friend, Griffin, who is a Special Ops soldier and has been away for most of the past few years. He returns for his little sister's (and Kate's BFF) wedding, and they can't deny their attraction.
"What are you doing?"

Possibly drooling on you..."If you don't know," she said, "then I'm way more out of practice than I thought."

I love this storyline and really enjoyed these characters and their history. Kate was super-smart and quirky, and Griffin Reid has got to be one of my favorite guys ever. Super hot military guy? Sign me up. You'll love him.
"You win," she said.

"Yes." He pointed to the bed. "There," he said. "You'll be my prize."

I loved a lot of things about this story. I loved the memories that we got from Griffin and Kate--both with each other growing up and their families. I love when he calls her "Katie" and his cocky attitude. I also love that she calls him out on things, and he does the same to her. The other characters in this story were fun, especially Kate's ex, Ryan, and I can't wait to read the other books in the series. There's humor and swoon with a bit of angst thrown in. Animal Magnetism readers will be happy to see little glimpses of Brady thrown in.

What didn't I like? Even though I loved Griffin, his I know what's best for everyone attitude wasn't for me. Kate thinking that she had to do every little thing for her family got old--they weren't totally incapable. There were some things that I didn't love regarding Kate's job: while on a field-trip, she lets the kids roam around (with an adult, but not a school-appointed chaperone) without being with them the whole time and her friend comes by with an "emergency" that takes Kate away from her class for several minutes. There are a couple of twists in the story toward the end that I don't think were necessary, and I definitely think Trevan Anders' reaction to his kid was totally unrealistic. Also, the ending was a little abrupt for me.

A lot of readers say that Jill Shalvis is a formulaic writer, but I say if it ain't broke don't fix it! I enjoy her stories and don't mind that we know what's going to happen in the end. It's definitely hot :)

If you want a fun story with a super-hot guy and a quirky girl, grab Rumor Has It when it hits shelves on November 5.

Lovers Unmasked (Entangled Brazen)

Lovers Unmasked - Katee Robert, Cari Quinn, Samanthe Beck, Tessa Bailey Averaged out to 4 stars.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark, along with an interview with author Katee Robert.

I love reading anthologies and story collections because I get to taste a variety of authors that I might not otherwise have read. I love this particular anthology because it's from one of my favorite publishers and it's filled with stories from some of my favorite authors. So of course I wanted us to be a part of this tour as soon as I heard about it.

I'm going to tell you a little bit about each story, but really, you don't need me to go on and on about this--you just need to read it.

Seducing Mr. Right (Come Undone #3.5) by Katee Robert
I love the idea of a powerful CEO mistaken for the mail guy. Danielle Kastien has plans to finally seduce the guy she's been crushing on at the office Halloween party. What she doesn't know is that sexy Grayson Harper is the CEO--not the mail guy. And that she's about to be the one who is being seduced.
He moved closer and ran a finger down her arm. “I think I like you in leather.”

She tried to cover up her shiver and went for bold. “Look at me. How could you not like me in leather?” ...

“I’d like you much better out of it.”

I really liked this story, even though I thought the ending was kind of abrupt and I question the authenticity of Danielle not knowing Grayson was the owner of the building she works in. The chemistry between these characters was combustible, and this was a hot, fun read. If you haven't checked out Robert's other books, you'll want to after reading Seducing Mr. Right.

Tempted by His Best Friend by Cari Quinn
I think this is the first time I read anything by Cari Quinn, but it won't be the last. I absolutely adore the best friends to more storyline, and once I got over the initial shock of the way things go down *ahem* with them, I liked this one. Teacher Stephanie Price is determined to make her best friend Landon Grant realize they're perfect for each other.
“I could blow your mind,” she whispered, stunning him all over again. Between her fruity scent, full red lips, and bewitching blue eyes, she effortlessly drew him into the dark magic of her spell. She turned away, tossing the last words over her shoulder. “I could even make you beg.”

This story was hot, but I always seem to have a problem with stories where the characters hook up anonymously just because one or both of them is wearing a mask. A mask (and even a darkened room) wouldn't disguise the years of knowing the shape and voice of the other. I don't know--I'm pretty sure I could pick out my BFF in the dark, and we live thousands of miles away from each other. Getting beyond that, I did like the story and am really looking forward to more from Quinn, especially if she writes anything focused on Steff and Lan's other best friend, Craig.

Wicked Games (McCade Brothers #1.5) by Samanthe Beck
Guise, buying this book is worth it just for this story alone, even though the others are great, too. It's no secret that I love Samanthe Beck and the fucking hot guys she writes. Tyler from Private Practice is one of my top ten favorite steamy guys ever. And Trevor McCade from Lover Undercover? Damn. So, it's really no surprise that I loved Wicked Games, too. If you've already read Lover Undercover (and if you haven't, you must), you'll remember Stacy is Kylie's sister and Ian is Trevor's partner. They had a "thing" but broke up. They get back together and sparks fly.
“Bite me.” She struggled to stand up.

“Don’t you worry. We’ll get to that, but, in the meantime…”

He leaned over her to keep her in position and sent his fingers on a slow, unerring journey down her thong and into the juncture between her thighs, where she was warm, and soft, and very wet.

“Oh yeah, I win the bet.”

She called him another rude name, but stopped struggling. A few more gentle passes over the slick silk had her widening her stance and arching her back to give him better access.

The urge to tear her panties off and bury himself inside her rushed through him. Somehow he resisted. “If I let go of you, will you stay put?”

A muffled, affirmative sound served as her reply. She’d turned her head back to the chair and he couldn’t see her face. He decided it wouldn’t do. “Say, ‘Yes, sir. I’ll stay put.’”

Her head popped up at that, and he caught the flash of hot blue eyes in the mirror. “You arrogant son of a—”

“Now, now. You’ll hurt my feelings.” He stopped stroking between her legs, and then removed his hand completely when
she tried to grind against the base of his unmoving thumb.

Her frustrated groan had him choking back a laugh. “Yes, sir. I’ll stay put,” he prompted.

Stubborn Stacy held out another moment, but then finally surrendered. “Yes, sir. I’ll stay put,” she gritted between clenched teeth.

“Good girl.” He let go of her wrists and waited to see if she’d keep her word. She lowered her arms and held on to the seat of the chair. “Good girl,” he repeated. “Since tonight is Halloween, good girls get a treat.”

The lifting of the mask and the bending over the chair and the calling her "angel" and just...gah! I love Ian's personality, and I loved getting to see Trevor and Kylie still in love and happy. I would have liked more of him, though :) I loved how much substance and mystery Beck was able to tell in such a short story. I was surprised by the ending, but I absolutely cannot wait for the next book in the series, Falling for the Marine.

Protecting What’s Theirs (Line of Duty #1.5) by Tessa Bailey
This is the only one that I really think you need to read the other stories in the series to really understand what's going on. I read (and really liked) Protecting What's His; Bailey definitely has the powerful male character down, and damn if you won't fall in love with Derek all over again.
“Would you like to hear what happens next?”

She inhaled in a rush. “Yes, please. The devil is in the details.”

“I guess that makes me the devil.” One big, callused hand dropped to the outside of her thigh, coasting up her flesh just close enough to raise goose bumps on every inch of her body. Slipping underneath her skirt without hesitation. When he reached her backside, Ginger wanted to beg shamelessly for him to palm her roughly, knead her there. Instead, he merely brushed his fingers down the center of her bottom, along the cherry-red material of her thong. The simple touch had a devastating effect, every nerve ending singing with terrible, glorious need.

“I’m going to take some much-needed time with your mouth right now. While I do, you’re going to continue stroking me until I’m so close to coming, I’ll be ready to die just to drill you against this wall. But I won’t. I’m going to stop you just before I bust. Then I’m going to lick the sweet pussy that’s been waiting so patiently for me.” He surged into her hand. “Come on, baby. Make me suffer.”

I don't want to spoil too much, but I'm pretty sure the title does enough of that on its own. Both Derek and Ginger have always insisted on total honesty since they officially became a couple in the first book, and that hasn't changed. But they're both hiding something from the other--he's heading into a huge raid at work that's very dangerous and she...well. No spoilers. They each feel the other is slipping away because they're covering something up, and it threatens their relationship. I loved the realistic way Ginger felt about what's going on in the story and was happy to get to see more about this couple. He was pretty swoony.

Four super hot stories from four amazing authors. Whether you're just getting to know these writers or they're already your favorites, you can't miss grabbing this collection.

Isn't She Lovely: Flirt New Adult Romance

Isn't She Lovely: Flirt New Adult Romance - Lauren Layne 3 stars.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

Can an all-black wearing Goth Girl and a shiny Pretty Boy set aside their differences to make it through a summer elective--and possibly find love in the process? Financially-struggling film student Stephanie Kendrick and silver-spoon-sporting Ethan Price are about to find out in this modernized version of Pygmalion by Lauren Layne.

Stephanie Kendrick is literally knocked off her feet the first time she sees Ethan Price on the way into her summer class. He helps her up, and to her mortification, follows her into class, where the two are paired for their screenplay-writing project. They decide on a Pygmalion theme for their project but need real-life inspiration. As fate would have it, they both need something the other can provide--Stephanie needs a place to stay for the summer and Ethan needs a no-strings-attached "girlfriend" to get his parents (and his ex) off his back. They come up with the perfect solution to all of their problems.
Ethan shrugs. "Offer still stands."

I close my eyes and shake my head slightly. "I'm not even sure I know what the offer is."

He takes a half-step closer to me. "One month. You lose the earrings, lose the boots, lose the attitude, and do your best to convince my parents that we're crazy-in-love, or something."


He puts a finger over my lips and our eyes lock. "And in return, you can spend the rest of the summer staying in my second bedroom."

It's a brilliant idea. Of course, you know what's coming--what happens when the lines between fiction and reality become blurred? How do they know what's real?

These characters are more complicated that what you see on the surface. Ethan's dealing with betrayals from all of the people in his life that matter most. Stephanie is, too, and she changed everything about herself because of it--going from homecoming queen to hiding behind too much makeup and a tough girl persona. Real feelings get involved when the two of them start to see behind each other's facades. Or do they?

And that's where things kind of go downhill for me. I think the idea is amazing--I love Pretty Woman and My Fair Lady and so many of the other Pygmalion-inspired stories. Layne added a fresh spin to this tale by allowing the characters to know that they're recreating their own version of this timeless story. But that takes away some of the authenticity for me. Of course, feelings get in the way when one or both of the characters question the other's actions. People question other people's motives all the time. It's just an added level of distrust when you know for a fact that you're supposed to be pretending, and manufactured moments of tenderness for the sake of the "story" don't make sense.
The plan was supposed to be simple, and instead it felt more complicated than any real relationship I'd ever been in.

It was as though...

A light bulb went on. That was it.

"These characters have to fall in love."

You can only imagine how this complicates things, and I'm not going to tell you what happens. I'm just going to say that in this case, art imitating life imitating art...it's just too much. I don't think it's realistic to think that they would allow themselves to start to develop feelings for each other and think it was anything but fake. Even if it wasn't.
I'd gone and forgotten that it was a game.

A mistake I had no intention of repeating.

I loved the dialogue and the descriptions. I really liked aspects of both of these characters. Ethan is funny.
"You know, sometimes if I don't have enough light to study by, I just smile and use the relection from these pearly whites.

He says sweet things and is swoony sometimes. Stephanie has great inner monologue and kicks ass in general. Their chemistry is palpable.
I feel his fingers wrap around my arm seconds before I'm spun around and pushed up against the whiteboard, my backpack falling to the ground as he pins my hands above my head.

They both try to deny the way the "actually" feel, but unfortunately, I had a hard time believing the authenticity of those feelings in the first place. Ethan zones out when Stephanie's talking about things she loves and complains about her nail polish--basically, the things that make up the "real" Stephanie. He likes the "new, improved" girl. To make this even deeper, the "new" Stephanie is actually how she used to be before dealing with her demons. So what's real and what's pretend? I couldn't tell, and that was an issue for me.

Something else that I didn't like was the overall storyline--the fact that they needed to experience these things in real life in order to write this screenplay. I can almost understand Ethan because he's a business student, but Stephanie wants to do this as her career. I can't believe that they think they have to go through these things to articulate them onto the screen. Add to that the fact that Stephanie needed a place to stay because her only other option was residing with her ex-boyfriend, David, and his new girlfriend. I think Stephanie would have rather lived in a laundromat than sleep in the same apartment listening to David screw the girl that he cheated on Stephanie with.

I'm not going to mention anything about Stephanie's high-school boyfriend, Caleb. The whole situation sucks, and Ethan's reaction to it (and her reaction to him) made me lose respect for both of them.

I loved parts of this book, like Stephanie's snarky character and the realistic dialogue. I also hated parts of this book, like the ridiculously unbelievable plot and Ethan's condescending attitude. I'm averaging that love and hate to three stars.

Seven Day Fiance: A Love and Games Novel (Entangled Bliss)

Seven Day Fiancé - Rachel  Harris 4-1/2 stars.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

Ya'll know that I love Jason Landry with the fire of a thousand suns, but I might love his best friend more than that. Cane Robicheaux is all that. But don't let me get too ahead of myself.

Shy Magnolia Springs transplant Angelle Prejean volunteers at the fire department and gives riding lessons part-time. So it's a total shock when she outbids everyone for a night with local bad-boy restauranteur Cane Robicheaux in the annual bachelor auction. They've been flirting with each other for months, and relationship-phobe Cane is more than happy to get the chance to spend an evening with the girl he can't get out of his mind.
"You bid an obscene amount of money just to go out with me," Cane interrupted, his deep voice laced with humor. Her eyes shot to his and he winked. "You know, darlin', all you had to do was say the word. You could've had me for free anytime."

Turns out, Angelle needs more than just one night. She needs a week, complete with a fake fiancé. After turning down her boyfriend's proposal, Angelle ran from her small Cajun hometown where her father is the mayor and everyone is all up in everyone else's business. To keep her parents off her back about coming home (and back to the ex, Brady), she invented a relationship that led to an engagement. Now it's time for her to return with her fiancé for the holidays. It only takes a little convincing for Cane to agree to help her.

Along the way, the lines get blurry and both of them wonder what will happen when they realize their fake feelings aren't so fake after all.
His goal had shifted. No longer was this only about getting her out of his system, though that did have to happen, the sooner the better. But now, he didn't just want her comfortable enough to explore their explosive attraction. Cane realized he wanted to let Angelle in.

One of the things that I loved the most about Taste the Heat was the Louisiana setting. I felt that it captured the magic and romance of New Orleans to a tee. This was even better. Perfect descriptions, amazing food, local games and customs--Harris totally captured the ambiance and unique culture of Cajun country. I wonder how people who don't live here pronounce some of these words though. :)

I love this storyline--"fake" relationships that turn real, and this is one of my favorite stories ever. I loved the characters. Cane was just awesome. A restaurant owner, number-crunching nerd-at-heart, bartender, and amazing brother, he's very protective of all of the women in his life. He plays the guitar and rides a motorcycle and has tattoos and is just totally swoonworthy.

Cane was so authentic. One of my favorite moments was when his godchild, Emma, was talking about his upcoming "wedding" with Angelle.
"Tell Angelle my signature colors are green and blue," Emma declared, snapping Cane's attention back to the present. He lifted his head to see her listing the rainbow on her fingers. "But I guess I can work with yellow or purple, too. Oh, it could be like an LSU wedding!" She jusped up and clapped her hands happily, then grew serious just as quickly. "But no taffeta bows on the butt, please. That mess doesn't work on anyone."

She rolled her eyes and then with a mischievous giggle, spun on her heel and skipped away.

Cane blinked. "Taffeta?" What in the hell was that, some kind of snack?

Angelle is one of my favorite female characters ever, and it's so rare for me to like someone so much--she totally knocked me off my feet. She loves her family, but refuses to live her life on anyone's terms but her own. She doesn't want to live under the microscopic scrutiny of her town, but she loves her culture and loves to be home. She waited for the right guy to give her heart to and wouldn't settle for anything less. She's strong, even in the face of weakness.

The chemistry between these characters was off-the-charts.
"Just so we're clear"--he placed his hands on hers--"you can proposition me any time, angel."

Did I mention that I love when he calls her "angel"? ::le sigh::

I love pretty much everything about this book. The only thing I wanted more of (besides once again wishing this was a Brazen title instead of the Fade-to-Black Bliss Brand) was Colby and Jason. We saw them and know they're totally in love and happy, but I wanted more. I loved that the relationships were all still there though--Sherry is still the over-zealous little sister we all love and Jason and Cane are still BFFs (or whatever guys call it).
"You know I was just busting your chops. But damn, this girl's done a number on you, hasn't she?"

Cane huffed a breath. "Yeah, I guess she has."

"Do you have any idea how long I've waited for a woman to knock you on your ass?" When Cane didn't answer, Jason did it for him. "Years. More than a decade. But the day Angelle walked into that diner, I knew it was just a matter of time."

They hold each other up and encourage each other, even when it's not what the other one wants to hear, and that's true friendship.

If you're looking for a story with an amazing plot, a perfect setting, and characters that will have you swooning, Seven Day Fiancé is the book for you.

Without You

Without You - Brooklyn Skye 4 stars.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

Right from the beginning, I was drawn into the story of Without You--and not just because the opening scene takes place in a locker room. College student Torrin Kingsley is dealing with so many things--he's captain of the rowing team and his coach is expecting 200% from him and he's just been granted the internship of a lifetime, following and studying under a world-renowned photographer. He's not sure what he wants to do with his life, but one thing he's sure of is how much he loves his girlfriend, Quinn.
Quinn stands, straightening her dress, and suddenly my body lets loose the tumor of tension it's been holding all day. Her presence does that, quiets the hurricane inside me with a wash of tranquility.

Even though the internship would open doors for him and is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, he feels that he can't leave Quinn. When he tells her that, she's not having it.
"You're missing out on a great opportunity. And for what? me? I don't think so. I refuse to be the reason."

This was a really quick read, and I was surprised by the how much story Skye was able to tell here. I haven't read anything else she's written, including Stripped, the first book in this series. Even though I'm sure I missed out on a lot since I didn't read that (which I promise I'm going to read ASAP), I never felt lost or that I didn't understand what was going on.

I really liked this story, and I especially loved Torrin. I loved his thoughts and the methodical way he thought everything through. I loved the words he used to describe things. And I loved that he's so hot.
Maybe she's thinking about last night, too. Those nails scraping over my skin, her lips exploring every inch of my chest, the sound of my name as she begged me not to stop.

And he's sweet.
"You said yourself couples do this all the time. That we're stronger than them..."

"But do you believe that?"

Eyes fixed firmly to hers, I answer as truthfully as I can. "With every cell in my body."

There were a few things that I didn't like. One of those was Quinn's loyalty to her art teacher, which I'm guessing was explained in the first book. Torrin also does something totally stupid that doesn't seem to phase Quinn at all when he tells her about it. I won't spoil any more, but I had to mention them since my rating would have been higher if all of the loose ends were tied up.

I loved the way this story ended, and I hope that there is more planned for this couple. I'm also hoping for more about Torrin's friend, Andrew, as he was one of my favorite characters. Like I said, this was my first time reading Brooklyn Skye's work but it certainly won't be the last. Love.

Sweet (True, #2)

Sweet (True, #2) - Erin McCarthy 4-1/2 stars.

This is the first time that I've read anything by Erin McCarthy, and I loved this book! Sweet had everything I love about New Adult--snarky girl, hot guy, and problems that are realistic for someone in their age group.

Jessica Sweet lies to her parents about working with a Christian missions group so she doesn't have to go home and live under their thumbs over the summer. Her dilemma? She has a week-long gap between when she has to move out of the dorms and into the apartment she sublet for the summer. When her friends don't have a place for her to stay, her best-friend's boyfriend, Tyler, offers to let her stay at his house. The only problem is that his older brother, Riley, will be the only one there--and he and Jessica don't exactly get along.
Everything about Riley annoyed me, from his sarcasm to his inability to ever be serious, to the fact that he was hot as hell and so clearly knew it. I didn't see him very often since he worked full-time in construction, which was perfectly fine with me. It was easier to breathe without his testosterone choking the room.

Riley agrees that Jessica can stay with him, even though the run-down house in the shady part of town is the total opposite of what she's used to. Over the course of the week she lives there, Jessica gets to know Riley and finds out that there's more to him than meets the eye. He's a relationship-type of guy and she's not interested in anything other than a hook-up.
"So what do you think? The princess and the prick...it could work. Or at least we could give it a shot."

They have a lot of ups and downs (and lots of fun), but ultimately, they get each other in a way that no one else ever has.
"I guess we're both fucked, huh?"

"Looks that way."

"Then I guess it's a damn good thing we found each other." It was.

I liked these characters. Jessica was bitchy and bratty most of the time, but I understood why she was that way. I loved that even though she came off as a snarky, confident girl, she faced the same vulnerabilities most of us do. She was relatable, and I love the way that the thing that makes her the most appealing to other guys isn't what Riley's after. He wants a relationship with her and isn't willing to settle for anything less.
"I want to explore you and your body, not use it."

"Oh." I wasn't sure what to say to that, it was so totally foreign to me. "But I want to have sex with you. Don't make me feel bad for that."

"I'm not trying to. I think it's awesome that you want to get naked with me." He raised his eyebrows up and down. "Trust me, I'm looking forward to it. But it's like cramming a whole ice-cream cone in my mouth and swallowing it whole. What good is that? It's over and done in a second. I want to really taste it, to lick it slowly. I want to savor the ice cream, you know what I'm saying?"

I liked Riley, too, with his tattoos and leather bracelets. I thought he wanted to take thing a little too slow, but I understood his reasoning. He's sweet and calls her princess and gets her to do things she never thought she'd do. And he's funny.
"In return for not smoking in the house, I'm asking you to keep your girl shit out of the bathroom."

Girl shit? "If I can't keep my shit in the bathroom, where else would it go?" I asked, amused.

"You know what I mean. I don't want to go brush my teeth and there isn't an inch of counter space to use because you have creams and equipment or whatever."

"Equipment?" I snorted. "I don't use power tools to get ready in the morning. But fine, I will put my blow-dryer away after each use. And I promise to never ask you to pick up a box of tampons for me on the way home from work.

The horror on his face made me laugh. "Don't tell me you have never bought tampons before?"

He shook his head. "I'm a dude. Why would I buy tampons?"

"For a girlfriend." It seemed obvious to me.

..."No. I probably would if she was, like, bleeding on my car seats, but otherwise, no."

Jessica's father is a preacher, and Jessica finds herself questioning some things about her faith. I really appreciated the fact that McCarthy didn't have her completely stop believing in God--just the judgmental way her father spun religion.

Of course, there were a few things that I didn't like. There were a few loose ends that I thought should have been tied up, like what is going to happen with Riley's house (it's in foreclosure) and what happened with Jessica's brother. I also really didn't love that Jessica felt her only option was to be ruled by her parents or drop out of school. No one mentioned financial aid, student loans, or work study to her at all. I felt like what happens toward the end seemed to come out of left field, but I'm not going yo spoil. Also, I really hated that she didn't give him a blow job. Trust, it has something to do with the story--I'm not just asking for more oral scenes.

With all that being said, I loved it all--the storyline, the characters, the snark, and the swoon. I can't wait to check out True, the first book in the series, and everything else that Erin McCarthy has written.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

Fighting For You: A Danvers Novel (InterMix)

Fighting For You - Sydney Landon 1 star.

I hated this book.

It's shocking to me because I love this storyline. Innocent, almost-spinster girl and the bad-boy no one ever thought would settle down? Sign me up! Right? Not this time.

Right from the first sentence, I didn't like the main character, Ella.
"I need to have sex--or look like I've had it--and you have to help me do it."

Ella has had a thing for former military man Declan Stone and thinks that he doesn't want her because she's a sweet, innocent virgin. Her idea to fix that? Find someone to have sex with so he can see her as a woman with experience.

That thought process might be okay if this girl were a teenager. But she's twenty-eight years old. Ella's friends decide that she should sign up for a dating service to make Declan notice her. When he finds out what she's up to, he decides to check up on her. He's determined that he can't have her because he's no good for her, but he doesn't want her to get hurt.
"You're a sweet, innocent girl. those types of men will just try to take advantage of that. You need to cancel or whatever the hell you do to stop it."

Startled, Ella put her hand on his chest and looked up into his handsome face. "No, Declan, I can't. I'll be careful, but I have to keep dating."

"I said stop," Declan snapped. "If you're that desperate for a date, just let nature take its course.

You don't need a dating agency. I mean it, Ella, cancel--or whatever you need to do--now."

Ella shook her head, looking down at her hand on his chest. "I can't stop."

Visibly frustrated, Declan shook her lightly and asked, "Why? I don't get this."

Still unable to avoid answering a direct question, Ella admitted, "I can't stop because if I do, I will never have you."

He decides to "do her a favor" and have sex with her, but he wants to take it slow. Of course, even though he's up front with not wanting to be in a relationship, Ella wonders if it will be enough.
If by some miracle she was able to start a relationship with Declan, would it be enough? Would she be satisfied by the type of flame that had burned through them for those brief moments or would she eventually want more from him and their future?

Pretty much immediately after they start spending time together, she wonders where their future is going.
He was actually making jokes. He seemed almost happy. Could he need her as much as she needed him? What he was offering her went against everything she had been raised to believe. He was as good as promising her that there would be no future for them. Had she waited for Mr. Right for this long only to settle for Mr. Right-now? If the only feelings between them were physical, why was she so drawn to him? Was she strong enough to battle his demons and save the man underneath it all?

Ella isn't happy with the rate their relationship is progressing and questions if something is wrong with her. She basically manipulates him until he gives in and has sex with her. I mean, how dare he want to take things slow and spend time with her and take her out on dates before he fucks her. What a jerk!

With that being said, I would have thought I'd like Declan, but he was barely okay. He's a sexy military guy covered in tattoos. He also says stuff like this:
"Baby, I know you think you do, but it's just a big case of lust. If any man kissed you the way I just did, you would want him too. It's basic hormones and you don't have much experience controlling them yet."

He's overbearing and condescending. He covers her up twice when he thinks she's showing too much skin. Not to be too spoilery, he buys them a house without consulting her. And he seemed to be lusting after Gray's wife, Suzy, mentioning on at least two occasions how hot she was.

I liked Ella even less than I liked him. She was a whiny, immature brat. Instead of signing up for the dating service to "get out there" and meet someone else since she doesn't think Declan has any interest in her, she only does it to manipulate him into wanting her.
"I just wish that Declan would ask me out already. I don't really want to date anyone else. I want to be with him."

I felt like Landon insulted my intelligence with this character. She's clumsy to the point of ridiculousness, and she blurts out things like, "I'm a huge meat eater!" I'm sorry, but no one twenty-eight years old ever inadvertently says that. Ever. And her reaction after they finally have sex?
"It was uncomfortable at first, but then it was awesome! Since I'm a real woman now and all that, I think we should order a pizza to celebrate..."

Like, OMG totally and stuff. *rolls eyes*

There are other things that I thought were absurd. Both of Ella's parents and her sister show up in her room and find Ella and Declan in bed together (asleep). Her mother had a key for emergencies, and when Ella didn't answer the door, she used it to enter the apartment, which is understandable. But would all three of them rush into the bedroom to find out where Ella was? There were no "weird noises" or anything like that. It was just another forced scene in a book filled with other ludicrous situations.

I hated her friends; I hated the way his friends stood around gossiping like a bunch of girls; I hated that they equated Beth being pregnant to being too "big" to want to take wedding pictures. Don't even get me started on the crazy turn the story takes and the reactions of the people involved. I don't want to tell you what happens, but it comes out of left field and seems forced. And the end? Who are these characters? Declan and Ella seem to be completely different people.

I should probably let you know that I haven't read any of the other books in the Danvers Series. I felt like Fighting for You stood on its own, and I never felt "out of the loop" with anything going on. Luckily, fans of Jason and Claire will get some swoon, in the one thing I liked in this book:
"If I hadn't been your assistant, we might have never met."

Jason stroked the curve of his wife's beautiful face and said, "I'd have found you, never doubt that.

It would just have taken longer."

There will be more to this series, I'm sure, in the form of bitchy, incompetent Emma and her boss, Brandt. I won't be reading it, that's for sure.

This review also appears on Steamy Guys After Dark.

Plotting To Win

Plotting to Win - Tara Chevrestt 3 stars.

This review is also posted on Steamy Guys After Dark, along with a giveaway.

The idea behind Plotting to Win by Tara Chevrestt is pure genius--a reality show based on authors competing for a publishing contract, money, and critiques from some of the hottest names in the book industry.

Our heroine, Felicity James, is a romance writer looking for her big break rather than love when she meets crime-writer Victor Guzman. Still, she can't help but notice him, in spite of his bad attitude right from the beginning.
With his short dark hair, olive skin, and perfectly arched dark eyebrows, the man was fine with a capital F, but his bad attitude was oozing through his tight t-shirt.

The pair are competing with the other contestants in two rounds per week, beginning with writing query letters and including all kinds of interesting tasks. Victor and Felicity can't seem to stay away from each other. It's more than the publishing contract at stake, though. Victor needs to win the competition to take care of his mother with the money he would earn.
He told himself it was for the best. He couldn't afford the distraction, but he felt guilty as hell for how things were playing out. She was a good woman and deserved so much better...

Like most reality TV shows, we find ourselves hanging on the edge of our seats to learn what the next challenge will be and who will win each round.

That was what I loved the most about this book--the authenticity of the show. Chevrestt obviously put in a ton of thought to this competition, from the set design to the individual challenges. It was brilliant. Felicity was alright, and I liked Victor. I liked that after he hurt Felicity, he still tried to make it right. The end was perfect.

So what didn't I like? For as authentic as the show was, I didn't think the people were totally realistic. I wanted more from all of them--more emotion, more understanding for what their motivations were, just more. I think if a little more attention was paid to character building, this book would be amazing. With that being said, I totally think it should be made into a movie!

If you're looking for a light-hearted, quick read with a sweet ending and love reality television, Plotting to Win is the book for you.

Her Accidental Boyfriend: A Secret Wishes Novel (Entangled Bliss)

Her Accidental Boyfriend - Robin Bielman 3-1/2 stars. but I'm rounding up because: Shane.

This review can also be found on Steamy Guys After Dark.

I really love Robin Bielman's characters and stories and was pretty excited to check out Her Accidental Boyfriend. Kagan Owens temporarily escaped her billionaire father's plans for her life when she fled from her high-society job and obligations in NYC to the small coastal town of Cascade. She works in relative anonymity as a waitress and spends her days living the small-town life, fueled in part by her fantasies of local bad-boy architect, Shane Sullivan.
Okay, he'd been the lead in all of [her fantasies], with his square jaw, dazzling blue-gray eyes, and dark, neat hair that she really wanted to mess with her fingers. Not to mention he had a rock hard body that put all other bodies to shame. But she had no plans to act on the urges he stirred. For one, he held the title of first-rate flirt and town Casanova, and every single girl in a twenty-mile radius had set her sights on him.

When Brett, the guy her father intended for her to marry, shows up and demands she return home with him, Kagan tells him that she can't go back...because she's met someone in Cascade, and it's serious.

Shane just happens to walk up at pretty much that exact moment and plays along. When Brett decides to stick around, Kagan and Shane realize they're going to have to convince everyone that they're together.
"This doesn't mean we need to be together twenty-four-seven or anything. I've got work, you've got work. But since Brett has no plans to leave we do have to make it look real, which means lying to everyone--your mom and dad, your sister. Friends. I'm sorry I've put you in that position."

He tucked a piece of hair that had escaped her updo behind her ear. "Quit apologizing, okay? I'm happy to help you out."

"You're positive?" Under the street lights it wasn't easy to read his expression, but she was pretty sure she saw reluctance mixed in with his acquiescence.

"Truthfully, being anyone's boyfriend is not on my radar, but I can fake it will Brett's here. You're going to owe me big time when we're through, though."

They start spending time together, and you know what happens--what started out as fake isn't so fake anymore.
She bit her bottom lip and then leaned in a little closer, played with the hair at the nape of his neck. "You and me." She stared into his eyes. He stared back. "How I'd like to--"

He cut her off by smashing his mouth against hers. Fierce. Passionate. Kissing her with the kind of wild abandon that led to tearing clothes off each other.

I really liked Shane. He was sweet and attentive and swoony. He was a fun guy to be around. I loved that he was always thinking of Kagan's feelings and wanting to be good for her, even when it was just a ruse. I also liked the other characters, especially Shane's sister and best friend and Kagan's best friend.

Kagan was okay. Some of the time I liked her, but some of the time I didn't. I had a real issue with her constantly thinking of Shane as just a "wham-bam-thank you-ma'am kind of guy." He obviously cared about his family and about her, to put his life on hold to help out with her charade. He even took a vacation to spend time with her, and since she didn't have any close friends who told her about how he "loved her and left her," I didn't really get why she was so adamant about him being a playboy. Most of the things I liked about her were the things that Shane liked about her. He made me appreciate her more.

There were a few other things that I didn't like, including Kagan's father and Shane's boss, but overall, I enjoyed reading this story and will definitely be back for more from author Robin Bielman. With an awesome guy that you'll definitely fall for, an almost idyllic setting, and a storyline that will never get old, Her Accidental Boyfriend is a great way to spend an afternoon.